Lieutenant Herman Stuart BADDELEY, Auckland Battalion,
NZEF. Born Greymouth, NZ. Single; Solicitor, of Otorohanga, New Zealand. Next
of kin: Mother; Fanny Baddeley & Father; Frederick Atkins Charles Baddeley,
of Bank of New Zealand, Kimbolton / Napier, NZ. Killed in action on Baby 700,
central Anzac, on 25 April 1915, aged 23. No Known Grave.

Captain Edward Frederick Robert BAGE (King's Polar
Medal, Corps Complimentary for conspicuous gallantry or valuable service), 3rd Field Coy. Aust Engineers, AIF. Born East St. Kilda, Melbourne,
Victoria. Single; Soldier / Officer of Australian Permanent Forces, of 'Cranford',
Fulton Street, East St. Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria. Next of kin: Father; Edward
Bage. Mother; Mary Charlotte Bage (nee Lange), of same address. Killed in action
on Silt Spur, southern Anzac, on 7 May 1915, aged 27. Grave: Beach cemetery.
Go to more information on Captain Bage

Lieutenant John Sinclair BAIN, Wellington Battalion,
NZEF. Born Mornington, Dunedin, NZ. Married; Produce manager / Manager, seed
department, of 2 Purnell Street, Wanganui, New Zealand. Next of kin: Wife; Nora
Teresa Bain (nee Shortell), of 19 Cornwall Street, St. Albans, Christchurch,
New Zealand. Killed in action on Chunuk Bair, northern Anzac, on 8 August 1915,
aged 27. No Known Grave.

Lieutenant Joseph Rupert BALFE, 6th Battalion, AIF.
Born Brunswick, Melbourne, Victoria. Educated at Princes Hill State School, University High School and Melbourne University (1908), Victoria. Single; Medical student, of 6 Barkly Street,
Brunswick, Victoria. Next of kin: Father; Matthew Balfe JP. Mother; Sarah
Balfe (nee Knott), of 'Hollingworth', same address. Killed in action, probably on Pine Ridge, Anzac, on 25 April 1915, aged 25. No Known

Captain Leonard John BANFIELD, 18th Battalion, AIF.
Born Cobbitty, NSW. Married; Public School Teacher, of Anderson Avenue, Ryde,
Sydney, NSW. Next of kin: Wife; Mary B. Banfield (nee Dwyer), of Anderson Avenue,
Ryde, Sydney, NSW / 'Aldene', Melville Street, Ryde, Sydney, NSW. Killed in
action at Hill 60, northern Anzac, on 22 August 1915, aged 40. No Known Grave.

Lieutenant Clifford Clapcott BARCLAY, Canterbury Battalion,
NZEF. Born Waimate, South Canterbury, NZ. Single; Stock Agent, of Shearman Street,
Waimate, South Canterbury, New Zealand. Next of kin: Father; Dr. Herbert Clifford
Barclay, of 83 Highgate, Roslyn, Dunedin, New Zealand. Killed in action at exact
location unknown, central Anzac, on 25 April 1915, aged 22. No Known Grave.

Lieutenant John Edgar BARLOW, 3rd Battalion, AIF.
Born Sydney, NSW. Single; Wool classer / Station manager, of 'Wahroonga', Bishops
Avenue, Randwick, Sydney, NSW. Next of kin: Father; John B. Barlow. Mother;
Mary Kate Barlow, of same address. Killed in action at Lone Pine, central Anzac,
on 6 - 8 August 1915, aged 27. Grave: Lone Pine cemetery.

Captain Charles Albert BARNES (Queen's South Africa
Medal & 3 Clasps. Mentioned in despatches, Corps Complimentary for conspicuous gallantry or valuable service), 11th Battalion, AIF. Born London,
England. Single; Chief clerk, WA Trustee Executor & Agency Co. Ltd., Perth,
of Johnson Street, Guildford, Western Australia. Next of kin: Father; William
Barnes. Mother; Elizabeth Williams Barnes, of same address. Killed in action
at Steele's Post, central Anzac, on 28 April 1915, aged 35. No Known Grave.

Lieutenant Rupert Sunderland BARRETT, 8th Battalion,
AIF. Born Dunolly, Victoria. Single; Station overseer, of Gregory Street, Ballarat,
Victoria. Next of kin: Sister; May Sunderland Barrett (later Mrs I.J. DALE),
of 'Cooroona', Gregory Street, Ballarat, Victoria. Killed in action at Victoria
Gully, central Anzac, on 25 April 1915, aged 32. Grave: Lone Pine cemetery.

Lieutenant Harold Pryor BARTON ((Corps Complimentary for conspicuous gallantry or valuable service)),
2nd Battalion, AIF. Born Richmond, Melbourne, Victoria. Married; Draughtsman,
Lands department, of Captain Cook Hotel, Botany, NSW / Armidale & Sydney, NSW.
Next of kin: Wife; Eva Monaro Barton, of Captain Cook Hotel, Botany, Sydney,
NSW / 'Hinemoa', Roma Avenue, Kensington, Sydney, NSW. Killed in action at Lone
Pine, central Anzac, on 19 May 1915, aged 36. Grave: Lone Pine cemetery.

Lieutenant Colonel (CO) Arthur BAUCHOP (CMG. Queen's
South Africa Medal & 4 Clasps. King's South Africa Medal & 2 Clasps. Mentioned
in despatches (3x). 1902 Coronation Medal (Adj Contingent). 1911 Coronation
Medal (CO Contingent)), Otago Mounted Rifles, NZEF. Born Port Chalmers, NZ.
Married; Sawmiller, Soldier (NZ Staff Corps), of St. Clair, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Next of kin: Wife; Mary Jean Bauchop (nee Elder), of Havelock North, Hawke's
Bay, New Zealand. Died of wounds at Sea: HMHS Delta, on 10 August 1915, aged
44. No Known Grave.

Major Robert Horatio Roy BAYLY, Auckland Battalion,
NZEF. Born Pukekohe, NZ. Single; Teacher, of King's College, Remuera, Auckland,
New Zealand. Next of kin: Brother; T.J. Bayly, of Pukekohe, New Zealand. Killed
in action at Sea off Anzac, on 20 May 1915, aged 34. No Known Grave.

Lieutenant Wilhelm Christian BEEKEN, 3rd Battalion,
AIF. Born The Glebe, Sydney, NSW. Married; Draper, of Care of Ada J. [Mrs Charles]
Smith, 'Woodley', 39 Goodwin Street, Bexley, NSW. Next of kin: Wife; Victoria
M. Beeken (nee Smith), of same address. Killed in action at Lone Pine, central
Anzac, on 6 August 1915, aged 26. Grave: Lone Pine cemetery.
Go to more information on Lieutenant Beeken

Lieutenant Sydney John Flemming BEWICKE, 2nd Battalion,
AIF. Born Parramatta, NSW. Single; Accountant / Bookkeeper, of 58 Ormond Street,
Paddington, Sydney, NSW. Next of kin: Father; William Bewicke. Mother; Harriett
Bewicke (nee Flemming), of same address and of 314 Stanmore Road, Stanmore,
Sydney, NSW. Killed in action at Exact location unknown, central Anzac, on 2
May 1915, aged 22. Grave: Johnston's Jolly cemetery.

Captain Noel Ernest BIDEN, 3rd Field Coy. Aust Engineers,
AIF. Born Armidale, NSW. Single; Soldier, of R.M. College, Duntroon, Federal
Territory / Maitland & Hay, NSW. Next of kin: Father; Ernest Henry Biden. Mother;
Fannie Teresa Biden (nee Wareham), of King Street, East Maitland, NSW / Department
of Lands, Sydney, NSW. Died of other causes (pneumonia) at No. 3 AGH, Lemnos,
Greece, on 21 December 1915, aged 22. Grave: Portianos Military cemetery.
Lieutenant Herbert Alexander BIGGSLEY ((Corps Complimentary for conspicuous gallantry or valuable service)),
6th Battalion, AIF. Born Sale, Victoria. Single; Law clerk, of 50 Foote Street,
Albert Park, Melbourne, Victoria. Next of kin: Mother; Barbara Biggsley (nee
Jones). Father; Charles Alexander Biggsley, of same address. Killed in action
at Steele's Post, central Anzac, on 18 July 1915, aged 29. Grave: Shrapnel Valley

Lieutenant George Webster BINNIE, 13th Battalion,
AIF. Born Brighton, Victoria. Single; Company Director / Merchant, of Care of
Webster Ltd., 63 York Street, Sydney, NSW / Brighton, Victoria. Next of kin:
Father; John Binnie. Mother; Jennet [Janet?] Binnie (nee McFarlane), of same
address. Killed in action at Quinn's Post, central Anzac, on 3 May 1915, aged
29. No Known Grave.

2nd Lieutenant Valentine BLAKE, Canterbury Battalion,
NZEF. Born Windsor, NSW. Single; Government Land Surveyor, of Windsor Hotel,
Wellington, New Zealand. Next of kin: Father; Vincent Ignatius Blake, Commissioner
of Crown Lands. Mother; Kathleen Hamilton Blake (nee Hunter), of Lands & Survey
Office, Gisborne, New Zealand. Killed in action at The Apex, central Anzac,
on 9 December 1915, aged 28. Grave: Embarkation Pier cemetery.

2nd Lieutenant Andrew Marvell Delme BLAYDES, 3rd Battalion,
AIF. Born Loudwater, Bucks., England. Single; Farmer / Bank teller, of Hope
Farm, Penrith, NSW / Sydney, NSW. Next of kin: Father; Colonel Henry Seymour
Blaydes. Mother; Amy Constance Blaydes (nee Wheatley), of Kingswood, Sydney,
NSW. Killed in action at Lone Pine, central Anzac, on 6 - 8 August 1915, aged
25. Grave: Lone Pine cemetery.

Lieutenant Leslie Colin BLICK, 7th Battalion, AIF.
Born Ballarat, Victoria / Timor (?), Victoria. Married; Analyst / Head chemist,
of 101, Victoria Street, Footscray, Victoria / Ballarat, Victoria. Next of kin:
Wife; Jeanette Blick (nee Harris); Father; James Albert Blick. Mother; Carol(ine)
Blick (nee Brent), of 'Dhurringile', 75 [58] Droop Street, Footscray, Victoria;
101 Victoria Street, Footscray, Victoria. Killed in action at Landing - Fisherman's
Hut, northern Anzac, on 25 - 30 April 1915, aged 23. No Known Grave.

Captain Alfred Charles BLUCK, Auckland Mounted Rifles,
NZEF. Born Pukekohe, NZ. Married; Farmer, of Te Awamutu, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Next of kin: Wife; Ethel Mary Bluck (nee Harper), of same address. Killed in action at Walker's Ridge, central Anzac, on 18 May
1915, aged 38. Grave: Walker's Ridge cemetery.

Sergeant-Major [Previously Lieutenant, South African War] Archibald James
Merle BONAR (Queen's South Africa Medal & 3 Clasps.
King's South Africa Medal & 2 Clasps), Wellington Battalion, NZEF. Born Hokitika,
Westland, New Zealand. Single; Soldier, New Zealand Permanent Force (Sergeant-Major),
of Stratford, Taranaki, New Zealand. Next of kin: Brother; Vivian W. M. Bonar,
of P.O. Box 27, Hokitika, New Zealand. Killed in action near Courtney's Post,
central Anzac, on 28 April 1915, aged 39. No Known Grave.

Captain Francis Spencer BOND, 6th Field Ambulance
AAMC, AIF. Born Brisbane, Qld. Widowed; Doctor, of Broadmeadows Camp, Victoria.
Next of kin: Mother; Mrs A. S. Bond, of 'Ditchleys', Leongatha, South Gippsland,
Victoria. Died of other causes (heart failure and cancer) at Victoria, Australia,
on 1 April 1916, aged 52. Grave: Boroondara cemetery, Kew, Victoria.

Lieutenant John Lionel Calvert BOOTH, 12th Battalion,
AIF. Born Killerby, Catterick, North Yorkshire, England. Married; Farmer, of
New Killerby, Salt River WA / Wagin, Gnowangerup, Western Australia. Next of
kin: Wife; Margaret Caroline Booth (nee Dockerill), of same address. Died
of wounds at Sea (HMHS Mashobra), on 28 April -, aged 38. No Known Grave.

Lieutenant Keith BORTHWICK, 8th Light Horse Regiment,
AIF. Born Sale, Victoria. Single; Grazier, of 7 Royal Crescent, Armadale,
Victoria. Next of kin: Father; William Borthwick. Mother; Ada Maud Mary Borthwick
(nee Bell), of same address. Killed in action at The Nek, central Anzac, on
7 August 1915, aged 28. No Known Grave.

Major Robert Ross BOWIE, Canterbury Mounted Rifles,
NZEF. Born Timaru NZ. Married; Store manager, of Timaru, New Zealand. Next of
kin: Wife; Elizabeth Bowie (nee Thompson), of Wai-iti Road, Timaru, New Zealand.
Died of other causes (dysentery) in Egypt, on 10 July 1915, aged 42. Grave:
Cairo War Memorial cemetery.

Lieutenant Frederick Douglas Atlee BOWRA, 4th Field
Coy. Aust Engineers, AIF. Born Perth, WA. Married; Engineer, Government Railways
/ Draughtsman, of Perth, Western Australia. Next of kin: Wife; Minnie Bowra
(nee Salter), of Devon Road, West Guildford / 56 Farnley Street, Mount Lawley,
Western Australia. Killed in action at Tunnel C2 (Johnston's Jolly), central
Anzac, on 29 October 1915, aged 28. Grave: Shrapnel Valley cemetery.

Captain Joseph Arthur BRASHAW, 16th Battalion, AIF.
Born Bellambi, NSW. Single; Chemist, of 20 Rokeby Road, Subiaco, WA / Perth,
Western Australia. Next of kin: Father; Harry Brashaw. Mother; Sebrah Brashaw,
of same address [and later] of Kunnunoppin, Western Australia. Killed in action
at Hill 971, northern Anzac, on 7 August 1915, aged 26. No Known Grave.

Lieutenant Colonel (CO) George Frederick BRAUND (Volunteer's
Decoration. Mentioned in despatches), 2nd Battalion, AIF. Born Bideford, Devon,
England. Married; Member for Armidale in the NSW Legislative Assembly / Storekeeper
/ General merchant, of Wycombe Road, Neutral Bay, Sydney, NSW and Armidale,
NSW. Next of kin: Wife; Lalla Robina Braund (nee Blythe), of same address and
of 'Girrahween', Barney Street, Armidale, NSW. Killed in action [mistakenly shot by sentry] at Braund's
Hill, central Anzac, on 4 May 1915, aged 48. Grave: Beach cemetery.
Major General Sir William Throsby BRIDGES (K.C.B.
C.M.G. Queen's South Africa Medal. Mentioned in despatches [Gallipoli]), 1st
Australian Division, AIF. Born Greenock, Scotland. Married; Soldier, of 21 Tintern Avenue,
Toorak, Melbourne, Victoria. Next of kin: Wife; Lady Edith Bridges (nee Dawson),
of same address. Died of wounds at Sea: aboard HMHS 'Gascon', on 18 May 1915,
aged 55. Grave: Duntroon, Canberra ACT. [General Bridges was the only soldier
whose body was brought back to Australia for burial during the war]

Lieutenant Halcombe Ferrier BROCK, 3rd Light Horse
Regiment, AIF. Born Semaphore South Australia. Single; Accountant, of Woodville
Road, Woodville, Port Adelaide, South Australia. Next of kin: Father; Thomas
Alsop Brock. Mother; Hannah Brock (nee Bonnar), of same address. Killed in action
on Pope's Hill, central Anzac, on 2 June 1915, aged 27. Grave: Shrapnel Valley

Lieutenant George Leonard Purchas BROOKFIELD, Auckland
Mounted Rifles, NZEF. Born St. Helier's Bay, Auckland, NZ. Single; Farmer, of
St. Helier's Bay, Auckland, New Zealand. Next of kin: Father; Frederick William
Brookfield, of same address. Killed in action on Chunuk Bair, northern Anzac,
on 8 August 1915, aged 22. No Known Grave.

Lieutenant Colonel (CO) Ernest Samuel BROWN (Twice
Mentioned in Despatches), 3rd Battalion, AIF. Born Barnsley, Yorkshire, England.
Married; Soldier (Officer of the Australian permanent forces), of 'Royston',
Parramatta Road, Haberfield, Sydney, NSW. Next of kin: Wife; Hannah Brown, of
same address. Died of wounds at Lone Pine, central Anzac, on 7 August 1915,
aged 40. Grave: Beach cemetery.

Captain Garnet Wollesley BROWN, 2nd Battalion, AIF.
Born Ashfield, Sydney, NSW. Single; Bank clerk / Accountant, City Bank of Sydney
(Tamworth branch), of 'Garwood', Pollock Avenue, Gosford, NSW. Next of kin:
Mother; Emily Ann Brown (nee Watts). Father; William David Brown, of 'Claroma',
Pine Street, Randwick Sydney, NSW. Killed in action at Lone Pine, central Anzac,
on 6 August 1915, aged 25. Grave: Lone Pine cemetery.
Photo location known, but not available.
Captain Richard Thomas BROWN, 2nd Battalion, AIF.
Born Pyrmont, Sydney NSW. Single; Civil Servant Clerk / Clerk in GPO, Sydney,
of 41 McKenzie Street, Leichhardt, Sydney, NSW. Next of kin: Father; Patrick
John Brown. Stepmother; Sarah Brown [mother; Kate Brown], of same address. Killed
in action at exact location unknown, central Anzac, on 25 April 1915
[officially 2 May 1915], aged 22. No Known Grave.

Captain Thomas Joseph BRUNDRIT (Mentioned in despatches),
5th Light Horse Regiment, AIF. Born Terrors Creek, near Petrie, Brisbane, Qld.
Single; Crown Lands Ranger, of Innisfail, Queensland, 'lately sent from Gympie'.
Next of kin: Mother; Catherine Edith (McIvor?) Brundrit [nee Hamilton?], of
'Aulbey', Christian Street, Albion, Brisbane, Queensland. Killed in action at
Harris Ridge, southern Anzac, on 8 November 1915, aged 32. Grave: Shell Green

Lieutenant Ernst Otto Alfred BRUNS, 16th Battalion,
AIF. Born Hartley, Callington, SA. Single; Area Officer / School teacher, of
Olive Street, Murray Bridge / Hartley / Gawler Public School, Adelaide, South
Australia. Next of kin: Mother; Antoinette Emelia Bruns. Father; Christian Frederick
August Bruns, of same address. Killed in action at the Bloody Angle, central
Anzac, on 2 May 1915, aged 24. No Known Grave.
Photo location known, but not available.
Captain Joseph David BUCHANAN, 2nd Light Horse Fld
Ambulance AAMC, AIF. Born Brisbane, Qld. Single; Medical practitioner, of Brisbane,
Queensland. Next of kin: Mother; Jessie Jane Buchanan (nee Fraser). Father;
John Alfred Buchanan (deceased), of 'Edenville', Hamilton Road, Brisbane, Queensland.
Died of wounds S.I. at No. 1 AGH, Cairo, Egypt, on 21 December 1915, aged 35.
Grave: Cairo War Memorial cemetery.

Lieutenant Joseph ('Joe') BURGE (Queen's South Africa
Medal & 5 Clasps), 2nd Light Horse Regiment, AIF. Born Allora, Qld. Single;
Auctioneer's clerk, of Allora, Queensland. Next of kin: Father; William Burge.
Mother; Mary Ann (nee Lambley), of same address. Killed in action at Quinn's
Post, central Anzac, on 7 August 1915, aged 36. Grave: Quinn's Post cemetery.

2nd Lieutenant Leslie James BURLEY, 3rd Battalion,
AIF. Born Fremantle, WA. Single; Clerk, Commonwealth Bank officer, of 'Glenrock',
Magdala Road, North Ryde, Sydney, NSW. Next of kin: Father; John Ferguson Burley.
Mother; Rhoda Maria Burley (nee Lawrence), of same address and of 'Pialba',
Charles Street, Greenwich, Sydney, NSW. Died of wounds at Sea: HMHS 'Soudan',
on 20 May 1915, aged 22. No Known Grave.

2nd Lieutenant Eric Mountjoy BURNARD, Canterbury Battalion,
NZEF. Born Dunedin, NZ. Single; Law Clerk, of Hall Street, Hokitika, New Zealand.
Next of kin: Father; Thomas James Burnard. Mother; Sarah Burnard, of Dunedin,
New Zealand. Died Of Wounds at Helles, on 10 May 1915, aged 21. Grave: Lancashire
Landing cemetery.
Go to more information on Lieutenant Burnard

Captain Ronald BURNS, 3rd Battalion, AIF. Born Marrangaroo,
near Lithgow, NSW. Single; Auctioneer, of Lithgow, NSW. Next of kin: Father;
Edward Burns. Mother; Sarah Burns (nee Bulmer), of Main Street, Lithgow, NSW
/ Box 20, Post Office Lithgow, NSW. Killed in action at Wire Gully, central
Anzac, on 25 April 1915, aged 31. No Known Grave.
Photo location known, but not available.
Lieutenant Harry James BURTON, 16th Battalion, AIF.
Born North Adelaide, SA. Single; Draughtsman, of H.M. Gaol, Adelaide, South
Australia. Next of kin: Father; Henry James Burton. Mother; Sarah Jane Burton,
of same address. Killed in action at the Bloody Angle, central Anzac, on 2 May
1915, aged 20. No Known Grave.

2nd Lieutenant Alexander Frank BUSKIN, 6th Light Horse
Regiment, AIF. Born Gorakhpur, North East Province, India. Married; Clerk /
Insurance Inspector, of 82 Manning Road, Double Bay, Sydney, NSW . Next of kin:
Wife; Esther Mary Buskin (nee Fairland), of same address and of 21 George Street,
Lavender Bay, Sydney, NSW. Killed in action in Turkish shelling of Ryrie's Post, southern Anzac, on 17 September 1915, aged 26. Grave: Shell
Green cemetery. See also the record for Captain R. N. RICHARDSON of 6th LHR, who was wounded by the same shell and died same day.

Lieutenant Albert John BYRNE, 10th Battalion, AIF.
Born Thackaringa, NSW. Single; Electrician / Electric Motor Driver, of 66 Gaffney
Street, Railway Town, Broken Hill, NSW. Next of kin: Father; James Byrne. Mother;
Elizabeth Byrne, of same address. Killed in action at exact location unknown,
central Anzac, on 25 April 1915, aged 24. Grave: Beach cemetery.