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Some links:

Updated October 2018

Maryborough Military and Colonial Museum, Maryborough, Queensland
One of the top community museums in Australia, the Maryborough Military and Colonial Museum is a 'must see' during your time on Queensland's Fraser Coast.
Display items are rotated regularly. They range through the full spectrum of our military and colonial roots.
Exhibits are drawn from private collections, donors, and from those who loan their cherished keepsakes.
The Maryborough Military & Colonial Museum is open Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 3:30pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 9:30am to 12:30pm.

The Long, Long Trail
The British Army in the War of 1914-1918. The most comprehensive site on British forces during the Great War. Has a very lively discussion forum at

The Gallipoli Association
A great organisation. The Gallipoli Association's objective is to preserve the memory of the men who served in, and commemorate the events of, the campaign on the Gallipoli Peninsula. The Association has members worldwide. They range from veterans of the campaign itself, authors, specialists and amateur historians, to relatives of those who served and those who simply have a desire to remember. The Association produces a very worthwhile and informative quarterly publication, 'The Gallipolian', which is sent to all members. I'm a member and I highly recommend membership in the Association to anyone with an interest in the campaign.

In Memory of Artilleryman Lieutenant Ralph Dorchel Doughty M.C.
Click to go to Ralph Doughty site
He died an officer and a hero, but he began his war as the most ordinary of men, the most typical of Anzac soldiers.
He was born in Stratford, Taranaki, New Zealand, and was 22 years of age when he joined the Australian Army in Sydney just a few days after the declaration of war.
As a member of the 2nd Battery, 3rd Field Artillery Brigade, Doughty began the first of his five his diaries on April 5, 1915.

Anzac, Helles and Suvla sectors, Gallipoli
This is Jul Snelders's site, containing photos of Gallipoli then and now, a dictionary of Anzac slang, and some unusual photos of devices designed to fool the enemy. Has a great account of how Jul and his friend re-discovered a Turkish position on the southern Anzac flank that was thought to have 'disappeared' during the last 90 - odd years. Also information on the 1/5th Norfolk Regiment, 'The Vanished Battalion' of Gallipoli. If you're planning a trip to Gallipoli, there's a great 'how to' section with advice on transport and accommodation.
Sadly Jul - he of the great good humour - died in July 2006, but his site is kept alive by some of his friends.

National Archives of Australia World War 1 Section
Hold the service records for all soldiers of the 1st A.I.F.

Has digitised copies of WW1 service records for no charge.
Register as a Researcher or as a Guest and carry out your search.
If your search is successful, the number of hits will be indicated. Click on 'Display'. Select the appropriate record.
The option to'View digital copy' will appear towards the top of the screen.
(Note: It is a VERY good idea to read the 'Tips on searching' section. A link to this appears on the initial search page).

Australian War Memorial (AWM) biographical databases
The Australian War memorial's database access page. Search for the soldiers of the Boer War and Great War on the nominal rolls, and for those who died on the roll of honour.

The word 'Anzac'
Bruce Topperwien was a Director in the Legal Services Group of the Australian Department of Veteran's Affairs (which administers the Protection of word "Anzac" Regulations), when he wrote an article discussing the insistence in recent years by some groups that the word 'Anzac' should always be entirely capitalised. The article argues for the use of the historically correct 'Anzac' over the (what I consider baseless) assertion that the word should always - and only - be written in fully-capitalised form.
The article was entitled The word "Anzac", and was published in Sabretache, the journal of the Military Historical Society of Australia, (Melbourne, July / September 1997, p33 - 36).
The full article used to be available for download from Bruce's site, but is now available only on the internet archive site ('the wayback machine'). See also the FAQ page on this site for more on the controversy surrounding the use of 'Anzac' vs 'ANZAC'.

Light Horse Association
Examines the role of the Australian mounted units; the Light Horse, in the Great War of 1914 - 1918. Also covers the pre-WW1 and post WW1 periods, and has much interesting and useful information. Look here for details of active Light Horse re-enactment troops and visit the discussion forum if you have any questions.

Slouch Hat publications - Australian military history
Slouch Hat Publications is a small publishing house specialising in Australian military history formed by Ron and Sue Austin. Ron Austin was the author of a number of books on Australian military history which I personally find extremely detailed and informative, including (amongst others), 'Cobbers in Khaki' (8th Battalion AIF), 'Forward Undeterred' (23rd Battalion AIF) and 'As Rough As Bags' (6th Battalion AIF - out of print). If in print, these and other books and maps used to able to be ordered through the site. Unfortunately Ron passed away and I can now only find his site on the 'wayback machine.'

Hunter Valley Military History
Ownd by David Dial, OAM ("diggerdave"), this is a comprehensive site covering the contribution made to Australian military history by men and women from the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales. Hosts a forum and covers a lot of ground, including some more obscure subjects such as the Boxer Rebellion, the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force to New Guinea, and POW's of WW1.
Again, unfortunately, the site appears to be offline. The most recent working version I can find is on the 'wayback machine', archived in 2012.

New Zealand Mounted Rifles Association

New Zealand in the Anglo-Boer (South African) War - Embarkation database

War memorials in New South Wales

Trenches on the Web (Home Page)
A huge site that covers many different aspects of the war.

Guidebook to Gallipoli
Gallipoli: A Battlefield Guide
Thinking about a trip to Gallipoli? This is an excellent guide; extremely thoroughly researched and accurate. By Phil Taylor and Pam Cupper. Ordering information. (No, I don't get a commission!)

Not currently available?

First AIF Order of Battle
Very detailed site, showing a tremendous amount of work. Lists the composition of the Australian Imperial Force during the course of the Great War.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Information on the work of the body that maintains the monuments and graves of the war dead. Includes a searchable, on-line database of all burial records. The site has recently been redesignedwith a new 'look and feel', and the added option of searching by 'regiment' (unit).

American Ambassador's account
Transcript of a book by Ambassador Morgenthau that describes the atmosphere in Turkey in WWI, including at the time of the Gallipoli campaign. Illustrated with photos from the original publication.

Mons, Anzac and Kut
Great War document archive site includes this complete facsimile of Aubrey Herbert's book which includes a section on his time at Anzac. Herbert spoke Turkish and was one of the main organisers of the May 24 truce to bury the dead at Anzac.

Location of the Submarine AE2
In 1915, just before the Landing at Gallipoli, the Australian submarine AE2 slipped through the Turkish defences in the Dardanelles, and into the Sea of Marmara. It was eventually sunk by Turkish forces. Now it has been found, and this site provides information on the operation. The website, however, is harder to find than the submarine, so I've linked to an archived version from 2003.

A Glimpse of Turkey
Peter Riggs of Wellington, New Zealand, travelled to Turkey and recorded his journey in the form of a photographic essay. Has some great photos of Turkey generally - and of Gallipoli specifically - on display on the site, enlargements of which were available for purchase, but thisis now an archived site on the 'wayback machine.'.

Australian Bronze Commemorative Plaques
Ross Bastiaan was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for his single-handed work in placing - all over the world - over 100 large bronze plaques commemorating the sites of Australia's finest military achievements. Not only did Ross place the plaques voluntarily, he also personally hand sculpted each of them and conducted the fund-raising and negotiations necessary for such a large project to have become a reality. This is Ross's site and is, along with his honours and awards, a fitting tribute to the fine commitment he has shown to his country.

The Australian Flying Corps
Cam Riley's site concerns the Australian Air Force of World War One, precursor to the RAAF, the AFC. Cam is working on a biographic listing of all members of the AFC who died during the Great War.
NOTE: The site seems to have disappeared. The latest working version I can find is late 2015 (preserved on the wayback machine).

In Memory of Norman
The author, Coral, had a Great Uncle, Private Norman Henry Sohier, killed in action at Gallipoli on 13th July 1915, aged 19 years. Coral and her husband visited his grave in Shrapnel Valley Cemetery, Anzac, in 1995, the first in the family ever to so do. A tribute to an individual Anzac who lies buried at Gallipoli and whose life and deeds have not been forgotten by his descendants.
THIS PAGE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. I am trying to locate a cached version.

The Great War Site

Lord Kitchener's & General Ian Hamilton's Reports on Gallipoli
Lord Kitchener's Official Report as Minister of War, dated 9 August 1915.

Newfoundlanders at Gallipoli: some photos.
The Newfoundland Regiment served mostly in the Suvla area of Gallipoli. This site has some photos of some of the officers and men. The site seems no longer to exist. This is an archived version from the 'wayback machine.'

Mackay North State High School's Lest We Forget History Project site
Led by their teacher, Mike Goodwin, a group of senior history students travelled to Gallipoli and France on a World War 1 commemorative tour in September 1999. A major component of these students' project was to create an educational website based on their tour, aimed at their peers. The result is a site by and for young people, with many interesting insights into what it means to commemorate those who did not return from the Great War.

Researching New Zealand soldiers

Teaching Gallipoli

The Commonwealth Department of Veteran's Affairs' site on Gallipoli. Contains many excellent resources and suggestions for teachers. Also a valuable site for students undertaking research into the Gallipoli campaign.
The site includes a walk section which may be used as a guide for visitors to the peninsula.

Anzac Day, New Zealand

The Heritage Group of the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs co-ordinates this site, which is part of the site. This section, 'The Anzacs', examines the development of the word 'Anzac' from the original acronym for 'Australian and New zealand Army Corps'.
Among other pages, there is a listing of the fatalities of the first day - 25th April 1915.

Remembering those who are not commemorated

There are errors and omissions in the official CWGC records, and they aren't the only problems facing researchers. This is a very interesting site formerly maintained by a group attempting to rectify these mistakes, but which seems now to have disappeared. This is an archived version on the 'wayback machine.'


This is John Woods's excellent tribute to the Anzacs. Includes a petition for a Victoria Cross to be awarded to Private John Simpson and detailed information on the case of the Red Baron.
Also a very interesting section is on the chalk badges in the hills of Wiltshire, known as the 'Fovant Badges', which are an important part of our military heritage.

Australian Light Horse Studies Centre
Bill Woerlee's site related specifically to Light Horse matters and the society from which the Light Horse Movement emerged. The purpose is to provide an information-rich environment for Australians and others to learn about and contribute towards a fascinating chapter in Australian history which was pivotal to the formation of the Australian Story. As this blog unfolds, many different topics will be dealt with to bring to the fore the conditions prevailing in Australia from the period 1890 to 1920. Issues of a general social nature, political commentary and other issues which formed the foundation for the evolution of the Light Horse movement in Australia are examined. This is an open blog with moderated responses to ensure the quality of information posted. Contributors are free to express opinions about the subjects raised and to raise their own well thought-out commentary.

There are many sites having relevance to the First World War, Gallipoli and the Anzacs. If you know of any good sites not mentioned here, please email me with details:

Bryn Dolan


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