Lieutenant Colonel Hubert Harris
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Lieutenant-Colonel Hubert Jennings
Imrie (Queen's South Africa Medal, Volunteer's Decoration)
Commanding officer, 5th Light Horse Regiment, Australian Imperial Force.
Born 19th January 1871 at Dalby, Queensland.
[Birth certificate: 71/000167; Qld].
Educated: Brisbane Grammar School (1884 - 86)
Married; Accountant and secretary, of corner of Kedron and Main streets,
Wooloowin, Brisbane, Queensland
Next of Kin listed as: Wife; Leila Margaret Harris (nee O'Mahoney), of corner
of Kedron and Main streets, Wooloowin, Brisbane, Queensland.
Photos of Colonel Harris are known to exist in the following locations:
BGS*. BGSM** Apr 1916 p25. Chataway. Group photo - 5th LHR Officers, Sydney
Town & Country Journal 23 Dec 1914 p30. Rockhampton Daily
Record 14 Aug 1915 p7. Sydney Mail 25 Aug 1915 p27 |